Tess Harding MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Tess Harding? Tess Harding is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Haven’t watched in years but: Spoilers ahead. having one big plan set out FOR her ≠ Convergent Ni use. It’s actually pretty obvious to anyone who understands functions and their applications why that really…does not match active Ni usage. Nasedo’s whole big plan is for Tess to force Max to copulate and reproduce with her, and then fool him, Michael, and Isobel into thinking they MUST go back to their home planet or else she and her baby will die. This is all because it’s been fed to her that she must do so by Nasedo. Tess does not question this plan, nor did she create it. It is her divergent and observational auxiliary Ni that sees the point of this plan. Anything occurring after this plan is set in motion only serves to feed into that which has already been solidified in her mind. That is Ni auxiliary, not dominant. It’s the rigidity and stubbornness that is commonly seen amongst the Ni Auxiliary types, because their Ni feeds a dominantly Extroverted Judging function. It does not mean she’s an Ni dominant just because she’s following a ‘plan’. Nothing about that big storyline has to do with her cognition. It’s much more reflective of Nasedo’s, but not Tess. She herself did not craft any of it, as in, did not actively do anything with her own Ni function from what I remember. Tess is a little forceful (when we observe her interactions with Kyle), friendly, and attempts to exude a ‘girl next door’ persona. She believes that Max SHOULD love her, BEFORE SHE MEETS HIM, because it’s what’s SET for her. All of her ‘meaning’ is derived from a past life, a preconceived ‘destiny’ that she had no control over, nor did she once intend to question. This is not Ni dominance. She’s a fake, murdering, sexual deviant…but that’s hidden beneath “i’m a poor little girl who didn’t have two alien siblings to relate to, i’m so lonely and need guidance, blah blah blah” nonsense. When her murdering Alex is revealed and she is confronted by Max, her true personality comes out a little. From what we see of her, even when fake, we can observe the how and why she is who she is by just taking a deeper look. Fe dominance was the only thing that mostly stood out. Despite Tess truly following through with all that was set out for her, and thinking she really was doing right by herself and her kind, she still for some reason feels the need to manipulate her way into the hearts of the rest of the characters…hm. Typical unhealthy Fe things. She does all this by appealing to the presumed emotional attachments of the main three aliens. Yes, anyone can do this, however this is ALL Tess can do. And most importantly, her starting point is to employ this. She is not in a constant state of observing the objective morals and THEN acting, which is how INFJ’s use their auxiliary Fe and Se (and using tertiary Ti to puzzle out logical solutions and truths). It is also not typical of the INFJ to predict or control others’ emotional states, or make IMMEDIATE judgments—as such are the talents of the Fe & Te doms. ExTP and ExFJ are more prone to the control of the emotional state of a person or collective persons. INFJ’s do this in rare cases—and the point is that it’s not their starting point, and it takes a hell of a lot more planning and puzzling out (Ni-Ti dichotomy), in the case of comparison to Fe doms. If Fe comes naturally to the convergent Fe users, then this type of ‘social manipulation’ is cake to them, whereas with IxFJ and IxTP, they’ll of course notice when they have to suddenly employ it. Because it is not typical to their natural condition of thinking. Hence: Divergent. [1/2]


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