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Mercury tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Mercury? Mercury è un tipo di personalità ENTP in mbti, 7w8 - sp/sx - 784 in enneagram, SLUEI in big 5, ILE in socionics."

Mercury is by far the most difficult rocky planet to approach and put satellites around. Its researching has been put on hold until humans find a significant purpose in creating a settlement on it. It may be comparable to Mars in terms of mass and size, but due to the fact that it has no atmosphere, the Sun is a deadly laser, and all of its water is hidden on scattered polar craters, humans will simply continue to observe it from the distance before they figure out how to deal with the psychological extremes of being there. Some scientists speculate that Mercury's metals might be used for a launching a swarm of mirrors that could exponentionally replicate as they deliver more solar energy for launching additional mirrors, which would all be used to reflect light towards specific places that would need it. This can of course be used for many friendly and violent purposes, such as solving Earth's wasteful tendencies or laser-frying a densely populated city. Mercury might instead be mined for precious materials rather than terraformed for living, as its orbit is too eccentric for regular daylight patterns, and it spins in a way that open-air living creatures will struggle to adapt to. After all, not every place is the one that humans could turn exactly into a second Earth. Mercury is a tricky planet, even more so than Mars. Although its environment is a vacuum and you will have to live in a closed and darkened space, there is plenty of room for future improvement or tinkering. Mars challenges you to adapt to its somewhat harsh environment and live off of what you can find on it (Se-Ti), while Mercury challenges you to look for alternative uses of the things you learn along the way (Ne-Ti).


Smallest of the planets, closest to the Sun. It is small and very hot (apart from some permanently shadowed craters at the poles which may contain ice), with the merest whisper of an atmosphere. Early scientists believed it to be tide-locked (one side permanently faces the sun), but it turns out it rotates 3 times for every 2 times it circles the sun (which, when combined with an elliptical orbit causes weird effects like "hot" and "cold" poles on the equator, and the Sun doing a slow loop-the-loop in the sky once each 88-day Mercurian year). When Mariner 10 flew by in 1974, it found the planet to be unexpectedly dense; scientists now believe it was originally similar in size and composition to Venus and Earth, but a massive impact with a leftover planetesimal tore away the atmosphere and most of the relatively light mantle, leaving the metal-heavy core behind. Among the inner planets Mercury's orbit is the most unstable and susceptible to Jupiter's gravitational influence.
