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  3. The Silmarillion

Elu Thingol MBTI 성격 유형


"Elu Thingol은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Elu Thingol은 mbti의 ISTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - so/sp - 613, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

I would rather say ISTJ because he prefers proven way of life. It took a great deal of convincing for him to change his ways. The cost was one Silmaril, one hand from Beren and death of his daughter, twice. An INTJ would probably welcome thinking outside the box more readily than ISTJ and also rebuild the society in the process.


Elvenking of Doriath and one of the most important monarchs of the First Age. While leading his people, the Teleri, through Middle-earth on the way to Valinor, Elu Thingol met Melian in the woods of Nan Elmoth and fell in love with her. They stayed there enchanted by each other for centuries, and the greater part of the Teleri stayed in Middle-earth to search for him; they became the Sindar, or Grey-elves. When they finally reunited with Thingol's people, they founded the kingdom of Doriath. Together, they had a daughter, Lúthien Tinúviel. Thingol was a wise but overly proud king, and when he learned of the Kinslaying, he forbid any Noldor from entering his kingdom save only the children of his niece Eärwen by Finarfin, who took no part in the massacre. Thingol had no love for Men, and when Beren fell in love with his daughter, he sent Beren on a suicide mission to take a Silmaril from Morgoth — at which he succeeded, which changed Thingol's opinion of Men.

문학 Elu Thingol과 유사한 문자
