Misha typ osobowości MBTI


"Jaki typ osobowości jest {profilename}? {profilename} jest typem osobowości {mbti} w mbti, {enneagram} - {iv} - {tritype} w enneagram, {big5} w Big 5, {sociionics} in Socionics."

💭 Social 9 for sure. I don't know where the e2 idea came from...? Basing on first impressions I said "Enneagram 9" but even after completing all quests involving this cutie and reading his profile I stand by SO9 like a maniac. Is(f) is also the only reasonable choice I see here. Not only because they're linked to Socials 9 but also because of function stacks. He wants to cooperate with other workers and blend well in the community he belongs to, while being insecure and unsure of his doings. Si dominant proved by his thinking sense and the amount of collective data he operates ( hotel guests, puzzles, different characters ) and Fe proved in interactions VIA quests. He wants to serve people and Fe develops as a motherly function in him. Ti as a third stack is pretty obvious ( sentimental analyst ). Ne as Inferior pictures his paranoia very well. Honestly I don't believe he can't be typed differently. This typology might change because he is highly SUSPICIOUS as a character but this is the essentials I got from the content available. Please don't turn Misha into an Infp or Isfp just because he seems shy! ♪〜(´ε` )


A lovable and thoughtful bellboy of The Reverie Hotel. He wishes to become an intergalactic adventurer like his grandfather. He is extremely hardworking and is skilled at fixing a variety of machines. He also had a fondness for sharing interstellar rumors with guests. He hopes he can grow up faster and looks forward to embarking on his own star-treading journey.
