Shen Xinghui (Xavier) тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Shen Xinghui (Xavier)? Shen Xinghui (Xavier) - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 964 в Enneagram, RLUEI в Big 5, SLI в Socionics."

he's clearly INFP i see a strong resemblance in him and Cloud Strife from FFVII 😭 he doesn't use Se at all just because he's a deepspace hunter doesn't necessarily means he's automatically an Se user. the fact that he rarely pays attention to his surroundings is crazy you'd never see an Se aux being like that. I feel like everyone's just voting Ti-Se and neglecting his clear usage of Ne>Se. An Se dom/aux would interact with their surroundings in every aspect in their daily life. We, however, do NOT see Xavier doing this. He likes to focus on things from his own point of view, doing things his way etc etc. XXTPs are influenced from the outside world almost sometimes, they have a clear Fe usage. We can compare his type with MCs who's a clear Fe-Ni. I don't understand the Ti dominant typings. Ti means having an internal logic system. He doesn't has any of that. The ISTP typings don't make sense considering his low usage of Se. Se relates to how you perceive the world with your five senses. He isn't described like that in the game at all. Also, being apathetic ≠ XSTPs. I implore you all to actually go and read the affection stories instead of typing based on stereotypes ☠️ I'd also like to question about the neutral good consensus. NOTHING he's done is in any way 'morally good' from the way neutral goods judge. If anything, he's done actions however he likes to see fit. going against Jeremiah's advices is also a good example of this in the main story. I don't understand 1F either lile... Really guys?


Видеоигры символы аналогичны Shen Xinghui (Xavier)
