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Fizzarolli MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Fizzarolli? Fizzarolli is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sx/so - in Enneagram, SLOAI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

And here it is my new typing for him based on Episode 7 Season 2. And I think it might be more final now. This episode was fricking amazing. People were right when they said he was a Self Pres 6. But I'll also dig in the Sexual fix if that's the case, and his 8 fix changes immediately to 9 or 1 after this episode, along with making him Agreeable, and I already thought he was Ordered before. His imsecurities come from Clear Si. And oh my god I relate to him so much now. "I have to be grateful because he made me." I was actually feeling down these days because I had a similar situation, but this episode just empowered me, I also got so happy when Fizz and Ozz kissed, AAAAAH! I HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!! Edit: Fizz is not a 3, people. Just because he's sucking up to Mammon and complying to him does not mean he is a 3. He was disintegrating into 3 through the entire episode. 6 and 3 are both attachment types, which is why they might be confused as celebrities, but Fizz was clinging to his image as a way to deal with his anxiety, not the opposite. And he surely wasn't disintegrating into 9 as a 3, cuz if you have seen Puss in Boots the Last Wish, you know what a 3 disintegrating into 9 is supposed to look like. Fizz is a clear 6 disintegrating into 3. He is looking to success as a way to protect himself from his anxiety. Not to mention 3 is as an assertive type in Hornevian and 6 is compliant. You want a real 3? Look at Blitzø and how his ideologies clash with Fizz'. "Seriously, that guy is a f#ckin' d#ck and he is USING YOU for everything! Cuz you're likable, and he's a fricking trash fire!" "No, he's not. He's just trying to make me good enough."


The one and the only Fizzarolli! Blitz's former bestie, then lifelong enemy, now a recently rekindled somewhat of a friend. The most famous performer in hell and the (former) face of Mammon's products. The loving partner of the Great Asmodeus himself.

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