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Asmodeus “Ozzie”, Ruler of the Lust Ring MBTI Personality Type

Asmodeus “Ozzie”, Ruler of the Lust Ring MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Asmodeus “Ozzie”, Ruler of the Lust Ring? Asmodeus “Ozzie”, Ruler of the Lust Ring is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 872 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Bro is absolutely and definitively not a damn ESTP, he can be 1, a Reasonable ENTJ hunting down that Fi or tryna sustain it, 2. an ENFJ who like the new special said met froggie because of how he gained that status & later fell deep in love with em (high Fe) 3. Is very much not governed by some standardless form of Se or Ne as we see it is shown before then he put his best efforts into hiding his relationship, then finally coming to terms with not caring, He hit a breaking point completely due to froggie whatever the case may be, he's governed by either an objective thought function (Te or Fe) or a subjective perception function (Ni or Si)


Also known as Ozzie, Asmodeus is a titanic rooster-like demon who's the Sin of Lust and ruler over the Lust Ring. He is also a king of the Ars Goetia. Along with ruling the ring, he runs his own personal night club and is responsible for providing the many copies of Robo Fizz throughout Hell.

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