Stella MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Stella? Stella is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

I don’t really know much on how to figure out someone’s personality type but I still wanted to talk about Stella. I don’t understand why some of the fandom hates her because she really was done dirty. Her husband cheated on her with someone who is considered “the lowest of the low,” which made her feel, at least in her Husbands eyes, like she was worse than rotting garbage. I feel like her getting angry and divorcing him was a completely reasonable thing to do, and she had every right to do it. Hell, I’m not even mad that she sent Striker to attempt to kill Stolas (even if he’s one of my favorite characters) because I know it’s going to be an interesting conflict to the plot later on. She reminds me of Mrs. Mayberry from Episode 1. They both got cheated on and handled it by using violence. The difference between them is that Stella took the time to gather herself and figure out a way to truly ruin her husband, by paying someone else to assassinate him while in contrast, Mrs. Mayberry acted on impulse and killed her husband out of pure rage. Stella is a Thinker, while Mrs. Mayberry is a Feeler.


Stella Goetia is a major antagonist of the adult-animated black comedy webseries Helluva Boss.

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