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Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia MBTI Personality Type

Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia? Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 279 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Stolas used to be just a funny dirty mouthed character that appeared sometimes in the show but since EP2 i started to see a lot of Fe in him, and once I saw S2 E1 my doubts were cleared: this lil depressed prince is a huge ENFJ. Fe it's a social function that seeks build relationships and create a inclusive and belonging social environment, and when it's accompanied with Ni, it specifically works in other to create a harmonious and fair society, since it sees things in a general perspective. When we meet stolas as a kid we can see how excited he is to finally discover his responsibilities and work to help hell, ENFJ children usually wishes to help others and create deep bonds with others, specifically with family and friends, so since he didn't had friends and his family didn't seemed to care about him, helping hell was a way he could be related to the others even if indirectly. Another time we can see clear Fe is with Octavia, he gave up his freedom and his happiness so she would have a good childhood, and when his thing with blitz comes out he still tries his best to keep her happy, in the loo loo land episode I can also see his tertiary Se. Se it's the function of living in the present, it seeks new experiences and wishes the thrill of the new, when it's tertiary it's usually used as a way to escape conflicts, Stella as screaming at him a minute a go and he suddenly decides to take Octavia to loo loo land, also to take her to the good old times, he was trying so hard to make her happy but his unhealthies was still there, i guess he uses he Se so much to the point he stops reading via's emotions, making her run away in robot fizzarollis show. Also, his relationship with blitzo can be perfectly explained with his most inferior functions, after so many years of having to stand Stella's constant abuses while pretending to be fine for Octavia, he meets blitz again and the idea of having a kinky relationship with all the excitement and thrill he never felt in a long long time, and also cus like this he thought he meaned something to blitz, his Se with the need of new experiences with the lack of self logic with his inferior ti, their relation was everything he need after so many years already waking up sad. And finally, in stolas sing/owl in a cage, his inferior ti loudly comes out, Ti its a function of process, instead of Te, that only wishes to get to the end, Ti wants to analyze and understand every step of a process, and in this song, he finally starts to look at everything that happened in his life and how miserable he've been all this time, to the point of throwing himself to the first sight of freedom, even though it means acting impulsively and trying to ignore how his relationship with blitz it's a comfortable lie. In summary he's another member of the ADAW (Association of the depressed and anxious whores) and I kin him.


An Owl-like demon prince who is responsible for granting I.M.P the grimoire required to access Earth. (Un)fortunately for Blitzø, however, the way he initially acquired said grimoire also left Stolas deeply infatuated with him, and he doesn't intend to quit anytime soon.

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