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  3. Helluva Boss (2019)

Moxxie Knolasname MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Moxxie Knolasname? Moxxie Knolasname is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 612 in Enneagram, RLOAN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

Why are you guys insisting that he doesn't have Te? He most definitely does use it in certain episodes (particularly the pilot and during his own subplot in episode 2), but in later episodes he doesn't use it as much because his role as the "comic relief" requires that he get clowned on almost constantly, and someone who uses lots of Te is pretty hard to make the butt of every joke. At any rate... where are you guys seeing Fe? He is very quick to call out people who are doing something he sees as messed up, especially his boss, which doesn't really make it seem like he values social harmony. Plus, he doesn't really seem to... care for others in a way that a Fe-aux normally would, especially a Si-Fe user. The only people he goes out of his way to care for are Millie (his WIFE) and occasionally Blitzo, but even that's a stretch. I think well-developed tert Fi makes a lot more sense. I mean, just compare him to his own wife, who is a Fe dom in all likelihood. When Blitzo spies on the two of them being a wholesome demon couple, Moxxie is the first to lash out at him, while Millie... doesn't really seem to care. The idea that a Fe-Si and a Si-Fe couple would differ in this way is just... pretty odd. Moxxie also has a lot more backbone when standing up to Blitzo compared to Millie, who just shrugs and accepts Blitzo for who he is in order to preserve social harmony. Also, Moxxie's heavy interest in music, especially opera, is a pretty big clue towards Fi. Yeah, sure, Fe users can enjoy the opera, but the genre as a whole is pretty much a way to express emotions through song, which is incredibly Fi. tl;dr: well-developed fi user who is very neurotic


An assassin and Immediate Murder Professionals' resident weapons expert, as well as Millie's husband. Despite sticking out like a sore thumb among the generally murder-happy I.M.P team, he serves as the voice of reason among I.M.P - or, at least, he tries to. Blitzø never seems to actually heed any of his advice, much to his increasing frustration. #RichardHorvitz
