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Fuji-san MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Fuji-san? Fuji-san is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - sx/so - 297 in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

“I guess you’ll have to rethink how you relate to people around you.” -Fuji’s first words to Yatora “When I’m talking to her… that I’ve been reduced to the simplest version of myself.” -What Yatora thought of her after their conversation about museums She pretty much figured Yatora out from one drawing of him, understanding how he was able to produce that piece and more, her experience is a huge help but how she was able to get that he completely lost his confidence, his general personality, and he would be better off with concrete, direct criticisms instead of abstract ones in seconds. Screams Ni and Fe to me. “Despite being a weirdo, she’s quite knowledgable and she REALLY HAS THE CHARM OF A LEADER” “This person, is very smart, and very independent. In situations like this, she is extremely good at expressing her true thoughts and at the same time adjust the emotions of the other person. She’s basically a genius.” -Yatora’s other quotes about Fuji When he said “If there is someone who can decide for my whole life, then no one will ever tell me ‘this is your own decision’.” Another quote that showed Fuji in the panel, implying that he trusts and respects her so much that he would rather listen to whatever she says. This really shows two total opposite sides of Fe doms. Wanting others to decide for them and wanting to decide for others. I think that I’m biased because she became my favorite character in 3 chapters or so and I would want her to have the same type as me, but I still think that she can be either an INFJ or an ENFJ. There is no way this woman doesn’t have high Ni or Fe as her defining characteristics. We never see any Fi from her, this becomes apparent when we compare her to the short haired, sharp tongued girl. Unless we stereotype any kind of quirky action and general messiness of her as Ne I fail to see Ne too.

