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Ayukawa "Yuka" Ryuji MBTI Personality Type

Ayukawa "Yuka" Ryuji MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Ayukawa "Yuka" Ryuji? Ayukawa "Yuka" Ryuji is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sp/sx - 468 in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

i think ISFP makes sense, i can see a bit ESFP as well but i think Fi dom suits her more right now. a lot of her values and beliefs are very Fi, a good example when she was arguing with yatora (a Fe dom) "if you see someone drowning, you're the kinda person that'd go get the life preserver but you'd never jump into the water to save them yourself" Fi users tend to place much more importance on experience and empathy as opposed to other thinking/feeling functions. a lot of her individualism and rebellion against societies expectations is very Fi as well, with inferior Te she purposely goes against set rules and ideas about how she should dress and a lot of her struggles after she quit art school was because she decided to fit herself into a category and wasn't doing what she believed she wanted. her Se shows a lot in how she focused a lot on her looks and a lot of her impulsivity and swiftness to flirt and date new people, as well as her lack of clear vision for the future.. i can actually see inferior Ni working for her as well but i think her Fi and inferior Te are too apparent.. i know there's no arguments against ISFP yuka right now but i just felt like explaining why it makes sense to me lawl


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