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  2. Television
  3. The Boys (2019)

Hughie Campbell MBTI Personality Type

Hughie Campbell MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Hughie Campbell? Hughie Campbell is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - 694 in Enneagram, RLUAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Absolute Fi is seen in so many ways. He’s always trying to help people and do what’s right, but this comes in conflict with his Te at times when he wants to complete a goal that may be unethical. Ne can be seen in the way he may creatively come up with plans and then recall certain skills he has from his job to help him with his plans which show Si. The thing about his Ne is that he sees so many possibilities of what could happen that he has a hard time deciding one path. I don’t really see much evidence of Si, however I believe this is enough to type him as an INFP


Hugh "Hughie" Campbell Jr. is the main protagonist in the TV adaptation of The Boys, and a member of the vigilante group of the same name. Hughie has a mediocre life, the only light in his life is the love of his life: his girlfriend, Robin. That is, until a speedster superhero named A-Train accidentally kills her. Desperate for revenge, Hughie’s recruited by anti-“Supe” vigilante Billy Butcher. #JackQuaid #INFPHeroes
