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  3. The Boys (2019)

Klara Risinger "Stormfront" MBTI Personality Type

Klara Risinger "Stormfront" MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Klara Risinger "Stormfront"? Klara Risinger "Stormfront" is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 738 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Problem is a lot of Stormfront's personality is most likely fake, creating the rebel bad girl to counter Vought's shiny halo. However, I think the real deal is most likely Se dominant, when the mask is lifted you can tell she acts extremely impulsively and acts without thinking (that scene when chasing Kimiko's brother, she just randomly starts killing minorities, I know what she really is, but I'm not gonna spoil it for non comic readers). Her actions are very direct and in the moment. I'm going with ESTP


Stormfront (formerly known as Liberty, real name Klara Risinger) is one of the main antagonists of the second season of the Amazon series The Boys. She is a superhero who replaces Translucent as a member of The Seven. Stormfront joined the Seven after Translucent's death became public and soon became a brief rival to Homelander before the two became lovers. She is adept at using social media and has a large following online. Though she denies it in public, Stormfront is a closet Nazi who used her position as a member of the Seven to promote her white supremacist agenda. Her public persona as an edgy, trendy and virtuous hero is a facade for her recklessness, racism and sadistic tendencies, which surpass that of even Homelander. #NearPureEvil

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