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Soldier Boy MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Soldier Boy? Soldier Boy is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sp/sx - 863 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

There’s a lot of misunderstanding about Se dom in general on site, like if they cannot be smart for some reasons – it's completely wrong. I want to start this argument by explaining why he’s not a Te dom, since there are a lot of votes about it. ⮕ “What is Te?”: Te is all about effectiveness and getting things done. It is the TeSi’s primary decision-making process, which means that if a decision is needed in the moment, they will rely on what makes the most sense logically. Most important is, though, Te encapsulates an element of idealism, which it means that Te doms judge in accord to a perfect “ideal”. Just by looking at what I wrote you can see that the character of Soldier Boy doesn’t fit; his character is about a raw perception of reality, the orientation of corresponds with purely concrete reality (Se). Jung said that “but the more Se predominates, the more unsatisfactory this type becomes” and you can see this behavior in Black Noir’s flashbacks: he gets more and more unsatisfied by the Payback, he needs to control them to make it work (E8). The scene where he meets Grace Mallory for the first time can be used an example: the unsatisfaction caused by getting pissed off because he cannot do what he wants, because she said “put that down”. And again, “either they develop into a crude pleasure-seeker or they become an unprincipled hedonist” — because he started to find pleasure in mistreating, abusing and controlling. An example of Te dom would be Homelander because he judges according to a perfect ideal — an ideal which is logically pure and lacks in sentiment (killing his best friend Black Noir). ⮕ Aux Si, “what’s Si?”: I saw a lot of comments talking about his apparently Si, even in this case it’s wrong. Se users perceive reality as it is (concrete, ex. They betrayed me, there’s no other explanation), Si users are more about other people instead of themselves — their view is involved also with others’ needs. It’s not about being in the past or other stereotypes like it. Where do Solider Boy care about others’ needs? When in reality he is all about himself. He doesn’t show a sensitivity to stuffs that invalidate his limits. This was also a reason of why the Payback wanted him out. Aux Ti, instead, is based on making sense to the INDIVIDUAL, from by using facts to support his thought to move on the act. It needs to work for the INDIVIUAL, there’s no implication about others. It starts by the subjectivity and refers objective facts to make stronger the subjective notions. Where do you see him being a Te Dom/Aux Si?


Benjamin, better known as simply Soldier Boy or Ben is a major antagonist of the Amazon series The Boys, serving as a mentioned character in Seasons 1 and 2, and one of the two main antagonists (alongside Homelander) of Season 3. He was America's first and greatest superhero before Homelander and the former leader of the superhero team Payback. As a young man, Soldier Boy helped good triumph over evil in World War II. However, it is not made clear how much of that is true, as The Legend claimed that his participation in the war was Vought propaganda. With his superhero team Payback by his side, he was said to have fought for liberty and justice for all until his disappearance during a botched military operation in Nicaragua, with the cover story being that he heroically sacrificed his own life to save America from a nuclear power plant meltdown in 1984. #Jensen Ackles

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