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  3. The Boys (2019)

Serge "Frenchie" MBTI Personality Type

Serge "Frenchie" MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Serge "Frenchie"? Serge "Frenchie" is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - sx/so - 794 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

He always screws up the mission due to deviating from the plan as well as making every single thing personal. Fi He isn't able to separate the job from his life because he has to have a personal attachment to what he does. Fi He is uncertain of his official job title because he does so many things. Ne He obviously doesn't have high Ti because he decides to free a girl who may have rabies or may have gone wild (idk) He doesn't have high Te because the quickest way to get kimiko was to gas her and not communicate with her He also seems to be a good with the ladies which I associate more with ENFP folks Therefore either ENFP or INFP


Frenchie (real name Serge) is one of the main characters in the TV adaptation of The Boys and a member of the vigilante group of the same name. A drug-dabbling, gunrunning jack-of-all-trades, Frenchie’s skillsets are an invaluable resource to Butcher and The Boys, but his impulsive decisions are an eternal source of frustration to Mother's Milk. Frenchie’s got a history as a killer-for-hire — and those jobs, and the human faces behind them, have always stayed with him, like scars. But he’ll rediscover his humanity when he finds a woman locked in a cage in a basement who’s part of a larger mystery, and Frenchie is the only one of The Boys who’s able to connect with her.

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