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Annie January “Starlight” MBTI Personality Type

Annie January “Starlight” MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Annie January “Starlight”? Annie January “Starlight” is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - sp/so - 126 in Enneagram, RCOAN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

You think she doesn't value tradition and rules? She's been rebellious like for two times (and those weren't easy for her) and that was aganist the most disgustingly grotesque organization possible and she still obeyed their rules most of the time. She also didn't stop going along with the rules and traditions at all until she's an adult. The way she talks about details, past and the details of past is very Si as well. Also, having goals and plans doesn't mean you're a Ni dom. It means you have plans and goals. ISFJs are people too you know, they can act out of the stereotype -and well, Starlight is very stereotypic. Edit: She values things that she's used to, which is the Si thing. If she were to be obsessed with past (and future) as a concept, that'd be Ni. I don't believe that the ISFJ can't be rebellious, but they're Te blind (like the INFJs, which makes being rebellious a bad argument to choose between N and S) so they wouldn't like to enforce their logic. But obviously they are human beings capable of disagreeing with things, she wants to be a good person as a 1 and what good person wouldn't disagree with Vaught? Her "rebel" acts don't indicate N or S in this case, but her motivations and what she's thinking while doing them. Her plans don't depend on abstract understanding of concepts and connecting them to one thing like an INFJ.


As down-to-earth and sincere as they come, the girl next door with superpowers. As Starlight, all she's ever wanted to do is save the world — and while a lot of people say that as a corny catchphrase, she actually means it.

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