1. People & Characters
  2. Television
  3. The Boys (2019)

Translucent MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Translucent? Translucent is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - sp/so - in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.



Despite the name being semi-transparent, it actually disappeared. This is sad, because his charisma is in being explosive. Translucent was one of the main characters in the Amazon series The Boys. He had nearly impenetrable skin and the power to turn invisible. Translucent is The Seven’s invisible superhero, thanks to his carbon metamaterial skin that bends light and makes him bulletproof. A master of stealth, he can sneak anywhere and give bad guys the surprise of a lifetime. But when he’s not fighting crime and saving the day, Translucent has... other interests. From women’s changing rooms to sorority house showers, Translucent loves using his invisibility to lurk where he shouldn’t.

Television Characters Similar to Translucent
