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  3. The Boys (2019)

Kimiko Miyashiro "The Female" MBTI Personality Type

Kimiko Miyashiro "The Female" MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Kimiko Miyashiro "The Female"? Kimiko Miyashiro "The Female" is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 694 in Enneagram, RLUAN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

I think SLI is a mistype. She's in no way inexpressive, on the contrary, she's quite expressive in one-on-one conversation. She's not oblivious to mood of the room or reading faces, either. She can't speak, but disability doesn't mean she's Fe polR. Se ingoring is highly doubtful as well, considering how impulsive and aggressive she is. Frenchie has to try and stop her from being impulsive and violent. Te creative doesn't make much sense either. What I did see is a lot of Fi when she interacts with her brother. She's all about what she feels she has to do, her duty towards her brother, relation between the two. Her Se is also quite high, she's very willful, stubborn and aggressive. If something stands between her and her goal, she'll cut through it no matter what. I'll admit, she's nearly impossible to type due to being traumatized and unable to speak. But there should still be some logic behind the typing, in my opinion.


The Female of the Species or simply The Female (real name Kimiko Miyashiro, キミコ・ミヤシロ) is one of the main characters in TV adaptation of The Boys and a member of the vigilante group of the same name. When The Boys find The Female imprisoned in a cage in a basement under high security, they mistake her for a victim needing to be saved. But as they unravel the mystery of The Female, they follow a trail of blood and gore to learn that she's actually a violent super with super strength and self-recovery powers who ends up being a valuable member (and weapon) for the group.

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