Muteba Gizenga MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Muteba Gizenga? Muteba Gizenga is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, in Socionics.

"The ESTP is focused on experiencing ideas or events, and getting as much out of them as possible, because the idea is essentially dead once it is filed away in their mind. The ESTP’s Se fights because it loves the experience of the fight itself. Sense perception is a biological trait, and Jungian typology has nothing to say about biology. Jungian typology does, however, talk about the philosophical perspectives people take towards information, and Se has the most direct relationship to the outside world of all the functions. Se types are not just sensitive to their immediate surroundings, but to the general state of affairs in their world, from news to personalities to how things work. The ESTP’s grounding in the present implies that they are exceptionally resourceful, because they don’t rely on speculation or future visions to unfold, but work with whatever they have at hand, here and now, in the thick of things, in the fray where stuff is happening all the time. In the midst of battle there is no time for speculation of what could be, only an absolute focus on what really is; otherwise, game-changing opportunities may pass you by." I think he fits this personality very well, it adapts to external changes in real time with very good precision in relation to the concrete world.


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