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Inosuke Hashibira MBTI Personality Type

Inosuke Hashibira MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Inosuke Hashibira? Inosuke Hashibira is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 837 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

my man inosuke is the definition of se BUT he also shows a good use of ti. i used to think of him as an ESFP for a long time but after giving it some thoughts, it's not like he's carried by his emotions. he's carried by his own logic, he looks at the world through the mindset that he has created, even if it means just going into every fight and using offensive as defensive, it's still some kind of strategy. i might be misunderstanding how fi works, but my guy doesn't seem to care or think about emotions that much - he just does what makes sense to him, even tho he has shown a lot of growth as a character he still uses ti - he analyses every situation by putting it through the mindmap that he has created in his brain, and does what the mindset tells him to do. his thinking is just not typical but it doesn't mean that he's just using his emotions - it's just a subjective way of thinking that doesn't match anything that the typical typology enjoyer can see as ti. he's driven by impulses, not by emotions - he feels what's wrong or what's right but not in a 'morally good or morally bad' way, it's more like 'what makes sense as a good thing and what makes sense as a bad thing'. also this counts as an argument for why fe over te, or maybe more as why not te - i would love to hear some argument for the tert te cause that's something that i cannot see at all


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