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Tengen Uzui MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Tengen Uzui? Tengen Uzui is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Okay, so…Let’s start here. For a while, I believed he was an ESTJ, mainly because of how prideful he was, but then I thought about it, and as I got to understand him more as a character. He does suffer from an inferiority complex; he looks up to Rengoku— even is seen to be quite similar to Rengoku by Tanjirou. He lost his siblings. Only he and his older brother survived this brutality. He was more to himself and wasn’t seen as very outgoing during this time, making him feel real and relatable. He’s harsh on everyone and tells them to look out for themselves because he does care for them; he doesn’t want to lose anyone else— he doesn’t want to see people in pain. He took in his three wives, not over love but to care for them. He wants to protect them because of how many lives he lost, and they were the only partners that managed to live beside him and were equally as strong with will as him. Yes, he’s very outgoing, but I see this as a facade to hide these small insecurities and the pain he feels down inside. That’s where I could see everyone typing him as a 7w8, but his harshness and all fit well for an 8w7. Very similar to endeavor when it comes to caring for others. He’s kind of like a father in a way. Very rough on their child, but deep down, they care for them.


Tengen Uzui (宇う髄ずい天てん元げん, Uzui Tengen?) is a major supporting character of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and a major character in the Entertainment District Arc. He is a Demon Slayer of the Demon Slayer Corps, and the Sound Hashira (音おと柱ばしら, Oto Bashira?). #KatsuyukiKonishi

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