Vicky MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Vicky? Vicky is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 368 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

her fe is very obvious. while other demons were struggling to fake a persona she was always good with creating a new personality in every reboot and planning her character. an aux si user would probably have hard time forgetting about the last character’s personality traits and have a hard time getting used to a new character but she never experienced that. she also put a lot of work into it so she got upset when michael didn’t appreciate her work and she didn’t get enough validation.(fe) also at the end of the show she was pretty happy not only because she got the job she deserved and got some validation for her hard work but also because of the finally made harmony in afterlife which was her responsibility. this might be kind of stereotypical but she was also the only demon to put pieces together to see the big picture and realize michael’s scheme.just because she likes spotlight doesn’t mean she’s ESFP she has 0 fi and te.


Vicky (portrayed by Tiya Sircar) is a Bad Place demon who portrays the "real Eleanor Shellstrop", whose position in the Good Place Eleanor supposedly stole in the first season. In the second season, when Michael's plans repeatedly fail, she tries to blackmail Michael into giving her control over the neighborhood. Late in the series, Michael places her in charge of introducing the other demons to the revised afterlife system.

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