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Rachel Berry MBTI Personality Type

Rachel Berry MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Rachel Berry? Rachel Berry is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sx - 316 in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

i was online and saw this saying rachel is an fe dom. "Rachel is very free and open with her feelings. She is easily hurt by others, but also feels comfortable standing up for herself when upset. Other people’s opinions matter to her very much, so she will accommodate them and their needs before herself when necessary, even though she tends to be a diva. Rachel is good at encouraging others, and making them feel good about themselves. She yearns for the approval of others, particularly those who are successful in music." (funkymbtifiction on tumblr). i am sorry i just don't see any te in rachel. she is goal-oriented and can be selfish at times, but i think people associate those traits with te and think she is an ENTJ. she could be an unhealthy fe dom, or it could do with other aspects of her personality (enneagram, sloan, temperament etc.) (funkymbtifiction) then goes on to explain her ti. "Being cut off from someone emotionally devastates Rachel, who tends to act primarily on her emotions and ambitions; but her intense desire for success causes her to analyze the careers of others to see what they did right (and wrong), so that she can not only avoid their mistakes but understand the emotions behind them." this is just from one perspective and i am sure there are many more websites that explain rachel's fe. if you need examples i am happy to give some <3


Rachel Barbra Berry is the main character on Glee. She is a Tony award-winning musical theatre actress. She graduated from the New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts (NYADA), after getting a second chance at her degree, following her decision to drop out in Bash, She is an alumna of William McKinley High School as of Goodbye. She was the first-ever captain of the school's Glee Club, the New Directions, having later recruited Finn Hudson as a co-captain in Mattress. She was one of the three major self-proclaimed divas of the club: the others being two of her closest friends, Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones. Rachel is a very driven and ambitious young woman. She was raised by her two gay fathers, LeRoy and Hiram Berry, but she was able to meet her biological mother Shelby Corcoran, the former coach of Vocal Adrenaline in Theatricality, due to the efforts of her now-husband, Jesse St. James. Rachel is very competitive but works harder than anyone else. #LeaMichele

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