Rock Lee MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Rock Lee? Rock Lee is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - 368 in Enneagram, SLOAI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

there is a lot of fallacy on pdb regarding fe & fi, both fe & fi users can have a rigid understanding of personal morals, values, and beliefs, the only major difference is that fi draws a sense of right and wrong from internal repercussions whereas fe can be more influenced by external principles. with rock lee, i think the latter description suits him better; all of his policies stem heavily from guy senseis teachings & lees main motivation in life is to get validation and acknowledgment from the man he looks up to the most: his sensei. moreover, lee is deeply guided by emotions in every aspect of his life, which is why i believe that se/si is actually lower than fe in his function stack, just because his fighting style is very sensory-based does not mean that his sensory function ranks higher in terms of daily life usage than his feeling function. the dominant function is the one u prioritise the most, its decision-making is almost second nature to u. im not sure theres a single instance in the whole show where lee is more reliant on se/si than fe, he gives much greater weight to his feelings & the genesis of his resolutions overall is his emotional impulsivity. also, just because he is very similar to guy does not mean they share the same type, tsunade & sakura r also quite indistinguishable in some personality traits and the former is ESTP whilst the latter is ESFJ (or so i think). lees personality being akin to that of guys could even be interpreted as all the more evidence for him being a fe dom as he has completely moulded himself to the preference of his beloved teacher. as for the auxiliary function, for now, si seems to suit lee more than ni- everything he does is through practice, routine and improvement, rather than hunches or theoretical reasoning.


#on knees

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