Jerome Flynn MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Jerome Flynn? Jerome Flynn is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sp/sx - 937 in Enneagram, in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

classical ISTP ass hat if you watch his interviews. I was curious why he and Lena an ENTP, ended so badly , and uf honey he has no Fe or Fi or any kind of F or social awareness of what to say, especially around women who were assaulted so I wonder how young they had to be to hook up because Lena is so well rounded and nice in interviews compared to him. One example that stood out to me was when he was with Indira Varma (played Elaria Sand) on tour and she recounted how one guy on the train forced himself on her and stuck his tongue in her mouth because he knew about her role in Game of thrones. Interviewer, another dumbass, goes silent instead of immediately saying a generic: "oh no, so sorry that happened to you, that's not ok behavior, shame on that fake fan" no what happens is that interviewer goes silent, Jerome looks at her in disbelief as the poor woman recounts a traumatic event then awkward silence as she waits for empathy and compassion from those two men or at least concern for STD (btw assault and willingly infecting can get you life in prison or at least some long years years, depends if infection is successful and what disease is given covid and hiv are life sentence) but no. Jerome cracks a joke about how he wouldn't mind if a random woman kissed him. (reminder Irma wasn't kissed, some monster stuck his tongue in her mouth without consent) The look of disgust Irma gave him was not as harsh as I would have given him. Jerome didn't achieve to detense the situation as he probably hoped ...and in my eyes he is a monster, but not as big as the one who assaulted Irma as far as we know. Maybe he's a secret Winestein, who knows, maybe Lena does.


Jerome Patrick Flynn (born 16 March 1963) is an English actor and singer. He is best known for his roles as Paddy Garvey of the King's Fusiliers in the ITV series Soldier Soldier, Fireman Kenny 'Rambo' Baines in the pilot of London's Burning, Bronn in the hit HBO series Game of Thrones, and Bennet Drake in Ripper Street.

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