EN MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is EN? EN is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

According to the book Men are mostly SP7 ILE ENTP Women more often SX7 IEE ENFP “He has equally little respect for the beliefs and habits of life of others, so that he is often regarded as an immoral and shameless adventurer. Since his intuition is concerned with external objects and flair seeks out external opportunities, he willingly takes up such professions, where he can develop his abilities in the most versatile way. To this type belong many stockbrokers, “sharks” of business, producers, politicians, etc. This type seems to be even more common among women than among men. In this case, intuitive activity is found much less in the professional sphere than in social life. Such women know how to utilize all social opportunities, know how to make social connections, seek out men with various opportunities, and all with the intention of throwing everything away again for some new opportunity.” But most of the description in the book is still SP7 ILE ENTP 3F.

