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  3. Saw Series (2004)

Amanda Young MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Amanda Young? Amanda Young is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sx/sp - 486 in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

She is not a SEI at all. She is not attuned to the atmosphere and doesn't care about making sure it remains positive. She is most likely ESI, just look at her behavior here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oyv18bK-AYA She is generally skeptical and withdrawn, also constantly in her own mind figuring out how she really feels about something. In SAW III this is repeatedly shown. ''ESIs are primarily attuned to the world of their own inner emotional states and emotional reactions to others. They may commonly be introspective and constantly in a state of trying to sort out the way they really feel.'' ''Though close contacts for ESIs often tend to be sparse, when ESIs find a degree of mutual respect towards others, they can be deeply empathetic, compassionate, and loyal. (With John) They may emphasize close connections and mutual understanding with others above all other things. ESIs' attitudes towards others are commonly characterized by skepticism and distrust, and their overall demeanor may be private, closed, uncommunicative, and individualistic. (Her attitude in the video and generally speaking) They may feel as though they can see into the motivations and character of others, and sometimes are instinctively be quick to judge others harshly.''


Jigsaw's third apprentice. Amanda is a junkie who was the first person to survive one of Jigsaw's tests, and was subsequently recruited by him as a disciple. She, like Hoffman, perverted Jigsaw's message by creating traps that were inescapable; she believed that Jigsaw's philosophy was flawed and is doing her victims a favor than suffer psychological scars for the rest of their lives. She also had an inadvertent hand in causing the miscarriage of Jigsaw's child.

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