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  3. Saw Series (2004)

Daniel Matthews MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Daniel Matthews? Daniel Matthews is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sx/sp - 594 in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

Im sure hes INTP wit dom Ti and healthy inf Fe His approach was thoughtful and careful like when he carefully questioned Amanda the only wit survival experience if she can survive they can survive the fact that he found it necessary to ask that because maybe she survived for a specific reason or a specific way strikes me as Ti-Ne and the other half the time hes more focused on others and trying to help them along and motivate them to work as a team healthy inf fe i think its still inf Fe cuz he only uses it in a stressful life or death situation and outside of the game he committed several petty crimes to piss off his dad which seems like more stereotypical inf Fe so given the little info we have on him INTP is the most likely i cant see dom Fi not sure abt his enneagram tho hes doesnt seem like a 5 i think 6 is more likely but idk but i definitely think hes INTP


Eric Matthews' estranged son, who after another argument with his father, was kidnapped by the Jigsaw Killer. Eric's desperate efforts at finding the whereabouts of his son drive the plot of Saw II.

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