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  3. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (2015)

Chloé Bourgeois “Queen Bee“ MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Chloé Bourgeois “Queen Bee“? Chloé Bourgeois “Queen Bee“ is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sx - 287 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

S5 SPOILERS Anyone else here triggered by her getting sent away to live with her abusive mother? Cause as someone who was abused as a kid it really triggered me and i get she was a bully, i hate my bullies too, but no one deserves that punishment. I also do not like how Andre was randomly redeemed, that man deserves to be in prision for being so corrupt tbh and i do not think him disowning Chloe is the right way to make up for all that, it also feels lile he is not taking responsibility for her coming out that way (and he is very responsible btw, Chloe acts so priviliged and spoiled cause he kept enabling her and her horrible coping mechanisms for her insecurities from her mother leaving aka being super superficial and materialistic and putting others down to bring herself up) I just wish Chloe had really gotten her redemption arc... i get shat they were going for with teaching kids some people really can't change unlwss they decide to change themselves but Chloe was not the right character to do that with as her toxic behavior and villainy were the result of others neglecting her, abusing her, enabling her and manipulating her in the end and she is literaly just a kid, one that is clearly very broken mentally from her mom leaving. I think the arc we deserved was her leaving her toxic coping mechanisms snd maybe even Andre getting a proper redemption arc too and disciplining his daughter.


Chloé Bourgeois is a student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont and one of the two tertiary antagonists of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (alongside Lila Rossi). She is the rival of both Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Ladybug. She is also the daughter of André and Audrey Bourgeois and the older half-sister of Zoé Lee. In "Antibug", after Ladybug ignores her suggestions on how to beat Vanisher and calls her a liar, she is akumatized by Hawk Moth and becomes Antibug, a supervillain that has the same outfit and the same abilities as Ladybug, but her outfit is reversed, being black with red spots, instead of red with black spots, and having Anti Charm as her superpower, which grants her weapons.

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