Alya Césaire "Rena Rouge" MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Alya Césaire "Rena Rouge"? Alya Césaire "Rena Rouge" is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 358 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.

Alya is upfront and inquisitive. She has this hankering for a scoop, hence her Ladyblog. But I think this is a result of her admiration for heroism, which more or less defined her character when she first meets Marinette. Maybe she isn't appealed by the act of doing good, but the act of being heroic and cool, which then prompts the goodness part. Because of this, I find that she's led by te, which drives her sense of accomplishment. If she's led by ne, then she would be a blogger/journalist for knowledge's sake. Additionally, her secondary function being si indicates her ability to catalogue significant information and detail. While out there with her pursuit for a scoop and love for heroics, Alya is grounded and practical (at least, when compared to the frenetic Marinette. This trait is notable in NeSi people. As a result, I say that Alya is an ESTJ. Albeit, my assessment could be faulty, so I'm open to counterarguments.


Alya Césaire is a major supporting character in Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. She is a student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont, Marinette Dupain-Cheng's best friend, and Nino Lahiffe's girlfriend. She is also the only admin of the Ladyblog and head of the school blog. In "Lady Wifi", after Alya gets suspended from school because of Chloé Bourgeois, she gets akumatized by Hawk Moth and becomes Lady Wifi, a supervillain whose powers come from her smartphone and its Wi-Fi signal. In "Sapotis", after her younger twin sisters are akumatized into titular villain, Alya receives the Fox Miraculous from Ladybug. When the Miraculous is inhabited by Trixx, Alya becomes Rena Rouge, a fox-themed superhero who helps Ladybug and Cat Noir "during particularly difficult missions" in the second season and beyond.

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