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  3. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir (2015)

Adrien Agreste “Chat Noir” MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Adrien Agreste “Chat Noir”? Adrien Agreste “Chat Noir” is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 926 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

To people who say that Adrien and Cat Noir have different types should try reading the comments below/top comments. Adrien and Cat Noir are the same person. They can't have different types. They act differently based on situation. We need to stop viewing them as different people and treat them as the same one who acts according to situation. Cat Noir seems more ENFP due to the idea that he expresses his his Ne more in this situation. As Adrien, his Ne is repressed due to his sheltered life and he's more FiSi. But Cat's where he's able to express his repressed function to the fullest. That doesn't immediately make him ENFP. Even as Cat, his Fi is dominant. He acts mainly based on his internal values and moral compass. A good example is during the New York special, it involved him reverting to FiSi and abandoning his miraculous. He felt incapable of living up to being Ladybug's "best partner ever". He felt like he betrayed his values here by disappointing Ladybug and feeling bad enough to give up the one thing that makes him happy. The Si comes in here is that Adrien was driven by sensory impressions. Remember the kind of life that Adrien lives? He has too many expectations placed on him and he always expects punishment if he's done something wrong (Gabriel, this is your fault). Adrien is expecting punishment here as well, he's expecting punishment because he doesn't know any better. Not only did he feel like he wasn't living up to his set ideals and values (Fi), he also felt like he deserved punishment (Si because Gabriel's treatment of him influenced this decision, this created a sensory impression in his head that if he makes a mistake, he should be punished). Just because he seems more easygoing as Cat, it doesn't make him ENFP. He's able to express his repressed Ne to break out of FiSi as Adrien. That's what Cat Noir's persona is. They're the same person. It's like your real life persona vs your online persona. Would you type yourself differently? Or do you just express different sides to your functions here and in real life? Superhero personas are very much like the online persona of someone.


Adrien Agreste is one of the main protagonists of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. He is a student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont in Paris, France. He is also a fashion model for his father's brand. With the Cat Miraculous, when it is inhabited by Plagg, Adrien transforms into the superhero Cat Noir ("Chat Noir" in the French version), gaining the power of bad luck and destruction to stop Hawk Moth and his akumatized villains. He is also the second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team.

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