Luka Couffaine "Viperion" MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Luka Couffaine "Viperion"? Luka Couffaine "Viperion" is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sx/sp - 925 in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

I really do wish his character were written better. It appears that he only exists as an emotional crutch for Marinette, and he truly deserves a better role than that. Though I have also noticed that he tends to always put others before himself, not just Marinette particularly. Its easier for me to picture this character using very healthy Ni-Fe, rather than the opposing Fi-Se. Although his character lacks depth, we can easily discern that he is generally an easy-going, empathetic, and compassionate person that has a high degree of emotional intelligence. Luka also lives within his mind, using an abstract mode of communication to express himself. He prefers to use the melodies of his guitar, rather than simple words. He's a visionary. The minds of Ni doms are often detached from the physical world, thus, often showing preferences for things that are not tangible. Luka's music fits the bill. But for lack of a better word, he is your stereotypical xNFJ dreamboat loverboy. He's far too perfect, and that is my only complaint. I would love to see his flaws, if anything.


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