Félix Fathom "Argos" MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Félix Fathom "Argos"? Félix Fathom "Argos" is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - sp/sx - 385 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

Not every character who wants to "change the whole world" is an ENTJ. This stereotype mainly occurs because of Light Yagami (MC of "Death Note"), who is an ENTJ and whose main ideology throughout anime was "to make this world a better place" Felix is an INTJ. He knows how to use his Fi in a right way, but he also overuses it. Blind Fe is also obvious, his plan is pure Ni-Te-Fi. I really don't see Se>Fi in him and I think it is unlikely that an ENTJ can use his inferior Fi so well. In my opinion, it is more likely that Fi is his tertiary function.I think that description fits him perfectly (series 18): Introverted Feeling also contributes to ITJs’ desire to act as moral change agents. Because of their unique functional trio of Ni-Te-Fi, INTJs can make for the most prodigious of change agents and reformers. Their Ni and Fi work together to formulate a grand vision, their Te specifies a plan for its implementation, and their Fi supplies the personal desire to see it actualized. Their drive for change and reform may find roots in any number of fields—from politics, to ministry, to business, to education. When stressed or when their Fi is underdeveloped, ITJs are prone to taking things personally. They may seem excessively sensitive, quick to overreact and defend themselves. To ameliorate this hypersensitivity and defensiveness, it is important for ITJs to become more aware of their Fi feelings, fears, and insecurities(source: personalityjunkie).


Félix Fathom is the maternal cousin of Adrien Agreste who lives in London, the son of the late American billionaire Colt Fathom and aristocrat Lady Amelie Graham de Vanily and the nephew of Emilie Agreste and Gabriel Agreste. He is first introduced in Season 3 in the episode of the same name. In "Gabriel Agreste", when he is convinced that Gabriel Agreste is Shadow Moth, Félix is nearly akumatized. However, the akumatization fails as Félix rejects it and manages to escape. In "Strikeback", while diguising as his cousin Adrien, Félix is temporarily given the Dog Miraculous from Ladybug which when is inhabited by Barkk, allows him to transform into the superhero Flairmidable. After being able to capture Ladybug's yo-yo using the power of Fetch, Flairmidable trades all of the miraculouses in the yo-yo including Dog Miraculous and his uncle's ring for the Peacock Miraculous, thus becoming Duusu's new owner.

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