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  3. It (2017)

Eddie Kaspbrak MBTI Personality Type

Eddie Kaspbrak MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Eddie Kaspbrak? Eddie Kaspbrak is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - 612 in Enneagram, SLOAN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

guys, this page is just ridiculous. he is literally si-dominant: a lot of signs point to this - starting with the fact that he is a stereotypical E6 (self-preservation instinct, he is literally a hypochondriac). fear for his health and his own physical condition is the influence of dominant si in conjunction with E6: understanding the objective physical world frightens his subjective sensing, which has become aggravated due to the influence of his mother. ne-inferior is seen in him more than in anyone else: not having sufficient competence in the search for intuitive possibilities, intuition results in irrational fear for one's own life and the life of those around him. im sure that he is a feeling type, although I dont have a fairly clear argument in this aspect (have to rewatch it again). in IT pt2, his Fe-aux is more prominent, feeling remorse for not being "brave" enough to save his friends. tertiary Fi would never feel guilty about it if his irrational fear was in contact with Fi - he would justify himself, which Eddie didn't. that is influenced by his Fe-aux. sorry for bad eng.


A hypochondriac asthmatic and Mama's Boy. As an adult, Eddie is a risk analyst in Manhattan and is married to a woman very similar to his overbearing mother.

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