Levia Barisol MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Levia Barisol? Levia Barisol is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 513 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

INTJ really suits Levia as she follows the stereotype of being slow to accept the harsh reality in the moment. This can be shown in her wiki page as she has a history section literally titled 'Confronting Reality and throughout her life, her Se inferior is strong. She isn't friendly (in my perspective) and she does value free time. It is indeed hard to get close to Levia at all given her interactions with everyone throughout the series, no one really knows Levia better than herself. To follow up with my instinctual variant for her, SP/SO 5 does fit! From what I've read, she does protect her space and it is always fun seeing the eccentric side of her character.

