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Proposition Joe MBTI Personality Type

Proposition Joe MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Proposition Joe? Proposition Joe is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - 693 in Enneagram, in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

He’s way too smooth to be INTP. His Fe is evident in his social interactions. He got the nickname Proposition Joe, because he aleays approaches people with a new proposition. He’s very good at convincing the other to accept his deal. And his fe shows on how he always steers around conflict by kind of joining whatever side the person he’s dealing with is on, he’s always focused on some mutual goal or gain.


Joseph "Proposition Joe" Stewart is a major recurring character of The Wire. Rotund and amiable - Joe is an East Baltimore narcotics trafficking kingpin who always seeks a peaceful solution to business disputes. His cunning and shrewd demeanour lay beneath this affable facade.

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