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  3. The Wire

Lester Freamon MBTI Personality Type

Lester Freamon MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Lester Freamon? Lester Freamon is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 541 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

I don’t get the INXJ votes, where is the Si demon?? Literally one of this guy biggest strengths is recognizing small details to the point where he can find the difference in small nails and he know exactly the amount of years and months he was in the pawn shop unit. Hell ISXJ makes me sense then INXJ. However I see too little Fi to be to be an IXTJ user, he was willing to lie about a serial killer just so he can solve a case, he seems a lot of the time to not care about the people aspect but more so just solving the case correctly (Kinda like a more realistic L funny enough). Even in the first season we saw how there were times where he was a little hard on Shardene because he was so zeroed in on the case which indicates Ti dom inferior Fe. Also him saying “all the lives matter” and trying to create a full picture isn’t Ni dom every detective will try to do that, that’s like saying L is an Ni user because he try’s to get a full picture of how Kira kills lol.


A detective transferred in to Daniels' unit from the Pawnshop Unit. At first he keeps to himself, spending much of his time applying his meticulous nature to making miniature furniture instead of doing police work, causing McNulty and others to write him off as a worthless hump. After watching the other detectives fail to secure so much as a photograph of the detail's intended target, Freamon comes off the bench and shows himself to be true "natural police", proving himself knowledgeable and adept at many of aspects of running a wiretap investigation (including an understanding of the legal and political nuances that even the other competent detectives lack). He is almost as insistent as (and at times, MORE insistent than) McNulty when it comes to pressing an investigation beyond what the department brass has tolerance for, but has more wisdom about how and when to fight for a case. While he's not above crossing his superiors and manipulating his coworkers, he still lacks Jimmy's more self-destructive tendencies.
