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Marlo Stanfield MBTI Personality Type

Marlo Stanfield MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Marlo Stanfield? Marlo Stanfield is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 863 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

I vote INTJ, I don't remember much so I'll write it according to what I remember from S3-5, It is not ISTJ at all, Marlo represents the new generation of organized crime, constantly breaking the rules of the game and trying to kill leaders to have the crown, hide bodies in vacants, kill anyone you distrust even a little bit It seems more like Ni, You can see the second intentions of other characters or see how things will change and take actions in Te funcion, I don't see it as ENTJ either, It may look similar but I think it has more Fi than Se For example, when he orders Junebug's murder just because of rumors that he insulted him, he didn't care that there were more deaths = more attention from the police, he only cared that his street reputation wasn't ruined, compare it with Stringer (ENTJ) At the end of the series, he achieved the dream that stringer longed for so much, Marlo only cared that her name was remembered, something that in the end he does not achieve.


Marlo Stanfield is a major antagonist of The Wire. Ambitious and ruthless - Marlo is a West Baltimore narcotics trafficking kingpin who sits at the head of the eponymous Stanfield Organisation. His need for unconditional respect makes him murderously narcissistic - and Marlo is notorious in Baltimore for his cold-blooded and violent ways.

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