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  2. Television
  3. Fargo (2014)

Dorothy "Dot" Lyon/Nadine Bump-Tillman (S5) MBTI Personality Type

Dorothy "Dot" Lyon/Nadine Bump-Tillman (S5) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Dorothy "Dot" Lyon/Nadine Bump-Tillman (S5)? Dorothy "Dot" Lyon/Nadine Bump-Tillman (S5) is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - in Enneagram, RLOAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

Her perceiving and improvisation skills are too high for ISFJ in my opinion.


A seemingly ordinary housewife from Scandia, Minnesota, who is haunted by her past after accidentally coming to the attention of authorities.

Television Characters Similar to Dorothy "Dot" Lyon/Nadine Bump-Tillman (S5)
