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Kaga (加賀) MBTI Personality Type

Kaga (加賀) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Kaga (加賀)? Kaga (加賀) is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, - sp/sx - 163 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


IJN Kaga (加贺 加賀 かが) "I am Kaga, from the First Carrier Division. I was originally designed to be a battleship, but fate had different plans or me. Enemies? I simply slaughter them, but only because it is my duty, not for fun." 一定会有人以为加贺小姐是和赤城是相反的存在而对地抱有一定的期待,但现实往往没那么简单。加贺小姐在平时确实是对自己人很照顾,但那也只是因为那是她的所有物,包括你。在面对敌人时,她从不掩饰自己残忍的一面,那是绝不逊色于赤城的狂气。弱肉强食是她唯一遵循的规则,想要和她对等交流吗?那就变强吧,指挥官。 https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/%E5%8A%A0%E8%B4%BA

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