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Megumi Fushiguro MBTI Personality Type

Megumi Fushiguro MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Megumi Fushiguro? Megumi Fushiguro is an ISTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - sp/sx - 163 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

[1/2] Recently, people have been debating the probability of Megumi being a 1 core, and I’m very glad at that as I disagree with the 1 core consensus. I think that he was just voted as a 1 because he gives off the ISTJ 1 stereotype, which is essentially Aki Hayakawa from Chainsaw Man. It’s fair as they’re very similar characters but I think that it would be beneficial if we really go into depth about the differences between 1 and 9, and digest what’s most proper for Megumi himself with the information we know. First, 1 core will get debunked, then after I’ll go into depth about 9 is just a general fit, while also contrasting it to 1. 1 is an enneatype that becomes overly critical of the world through it not perfecting their ideologies and feels a sense of dignity to correcting it. SP 1 would deal with this by worrying about everything not being perfect and hence obsessively trying to fix things that don’t need to be fixed through a way that doesn’t let anger show very much, SO 1 would deal with this by setting a rigid standard for others and expecting them to follow, while a SX 1 would deal with this by intensely confronting the world and openly criticizing the things they disagree with. None of this necessarily fits Megumi. He pretty much just subconsciously holds back and whenever we see his thoughts in the manga, he doesn’t really seem to care too much. If he does, then he just disregards it. I mean, seriously, does the man who says “I’m sorry. I don't care if I’m right or wrong. I only believe in my conscience. I will follow my conscience and save people. If you disagree with that, then... Let's agree to curse each other" really sound like a 1, yet alone any of the subtypes? I understand that people might be able to see SP 1 as sometimes SP 1’s repress their desires to stop their worries, but SP 1’s still are very angry at the world and have a strong sense of reform. Some popular examples for comparison are Shinobu Kocho, Ayaka Kamisato, and Yukino Yukinoshita. Moreover, just because he is a serious figure that others look up to certainly doesn’t make him a 1. He might come off as rigid, however it’s not in the way that 1’s are. 9’s can be quite rigid too, which will be covered in the next few paragraphs. 9 is a very misunderstood enneagram in the typology community. People often look at it as a type that only loves restoring peace and that’s the main thing that they desire, however that’s only a third true. Social 9’s is the manifestation of 9 core that do that, whilst SP and SX 9 do things in their own ways. It’s important to note that enneagram isn’t solely core fears and desires, there’s so much more to the system than that, which I hope the community can see soon. In fact, the system is mainly about how people cope with pain. If 9 isn’t just about peace, then what is it? All gut types (8, 9, 1) are centered around some type of faculty- a comprehensive and profound tool to harness the behavior the world. 8 deals with by being domineering and constantly seeking intense experiences. 9 deals with this by creating their inner comfort that’s stable and can be flexible for their own satisfaction. While 1 deals with this by again, becoming overly critical of the world over it not perfecting their ideologies and coming after the world to correct it. Just from this alone, I’m sure that 9 becomes pretty fitting for him off the bat. Sure, he does have ideals but having ideals doesn’t make you a 1, pretty much everyone has something that would be perfect for them. What he believes in is not even something that he ever really tries to change about others either (eliminating SP 1 + SX 1), nor really try to set an example for others (eliminating SO 1). He simply believes in getting rid of curses and thinks that being a sorcerer is selfish. Does he ever do anything about it? If you need to think about that, I recommend reviewing over his character again. 9’s have a certain degree of psychological inertia. They can come off as thick skinned, unexciting, and have a lack of fire or passion. Megumi lives a very chill life and pretty much just keeps to himself. Others complain that he doesn’t really talk about himself often, nor does he really care to. They also tend to over adapt to things so that they can remain inner peace. Throughout the course of the series, Megumi goes with the group for everything and just focuses on fulfilling his duties so that he can just do what he needs to do, get it over with, and go back to his own comfort.


Megumi Fushiguro (伏黒 恵 ; Fushiguro Megumi) is the deuteragonist of the Jujutsu Kaisen series. He is a first-year student at the Jujutsu High and also a descendant of the Zenin family. #YumaUchida

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