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  2. Television
  3. The Boys (2019)

Victoria Neuman MBTI Personality Type

Victoria Neuman MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Victoria Neuman? Victoria Neuman is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 261 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

Shes such a so2 its not even funny the way she manipulates her whole corporation into thinking shes this great intelligent businesswomen until huey comes along. Hell even with her first intro speech when she influenced the crowd to go against Homelander until he showed up 😭. "126s forget their own needs and overfocus on other's. They can appear nosy, controlling and nagging because of their overwhelming presence they can give to people when trying to help and educate others. They can also feel self-righteous and militant about their values and causes which can irk some people. This archetype can also become too anxious and self-conscious about its own impact on their environment, constantly ajusting itself in order to meet internal and external standards, which can become exhausting for them." sounds like anyone??


Victoria Neuman is a character in Season Two of the Amazon series The Boys. Neuman is a young "wunderkind" congresswoman who is against Vought's agenda and the Superheroes, after the expose of Compound V, She started a rally and pushed the U.S. House Judiciary Committee starting a hearing about Vought and Compound V. #DommyMommy
