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Mikaela Hyakuya MBTI Personality Type

Mikaela Hyakuya MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Mikaela Hyakuya? Mikaela Hyakuya is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - sp/sx - 162 in Enneagram, RLOEI in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

So, here it is because I think he is not ENFJ: I read owari no seraph manga for a while but I still remember Mika well: His Ni is much higher than his Fe. The fact that he was more charismatic as a child does not mean he was outgoing, he always kept his feelings and thoughts for him, he was very private and had a high Ni since that age. ENFJ children have high Fe and not Ni. When Mika grows up he lives in a Ni-Ti loop. Seriously, his Ti is too well developed to be inferior, he has no problems or insecurity with analysis or logical thinking. Because ENFJ have inferior Ti they feel very insecure about their logistical capacity, an for being ExxJ they feel a need to prove their value to the public. Because they are people oriented! If Mika were a fe dom he would certainly be more interested in that, on the contrary, he lives in Ni-Ti.


Mikaela Hyakuya (百夜 ミカエラ, Hyakuya Mikaera), birth name Mikaela Shindō (進藤 ミカエラ, Shindō Mikaera), is the deuteragonist of the Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign series.

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