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Itachi Uchiha MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Itachi Uchiha? Itachi Uchiha is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - so/sp - 154 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

Itachi Uchiha, INTJ or INFJ? There are quite a few arguments about it already, but I'd like to add something: Deciding whether he is INTJ or INFJ, it implies one thing; the weakest function of all his functions, below the inferior function, will be Te or Fe (the trickster function). Think about it in this way. Does it make sense that Itachi has blind Fe? Of course not. And making the decision to kill his entire clan in the name of peace does not make him a Te user, he was in a situation where he had no other choice and had no control of the situation. Either it was that, or it was a war that would bring worse things. Itachi's Fe is not obvious at first glance, but there it is, he recognizes the importance of everyone around him equally and external harmony. The Ti of Itachi is expressed in such a way that his thinking does not always go outside, is extremely analytical, minuscious and maintains it for himself, the "logical side" of Itachi is merely his own, does not usually have external frames of reference (for that there is his Fe) and he is not the type of person who seeks to have some kind of control over the tribe, prove or affirm facts. Also!!! Itachi despised the individualism by which his clan was guided and that they did not take the time to think beyond what was already established (Itachi values vs Clan values) (Fe vs Fi, also, some of Te).


Itachi Uchiha (うちはイタチ, Uchiha Itachi, #on knees) was a shinobi of Konohagakure's Uchiha clan who served as an Anbu Captain. He later became an international criminal after murdering his entire clan, sparing only his younger brother, Sasuke. He afterwards joined the international criminal organisation known as Akatsuki, whose activity brought him into frequent conflict with Konoha and its ninja — including Sasuke — who sought to avenge their clan by killing Itachi. Following his death, Itachi's motives were revealed to be more complicated than they seemed and that his actions were only ever in the interest of his brother and village, making him remain a loyal shinobi of Konohagakure to the very end.

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