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Shin'ya Hīragi MBTI Personality Type

Shin'ya Hīragi MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Shin'ya Hīragi? Shin'ya Hīragi is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sx/so - 953 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

I'm not sure that is it enough to typed him as an INFJ but when i look guren and shinya relationship, i think shinya's Fe is so obivious because he trust his friends without any reason and when guren in danger and says shinya to leave him, we can see fe>te think in him look i guess, another stuff is that when guren walks and shinya go next to him, and says "I wanna look at you, are you okey? Because you are not good at face to this feelings" something like that i dont really remember the conversation but that time, i thought that this is a fe think. Of course he's ni is so obivious and its same to INFJ or INTJ but i just trying to explain fe, i dont know is it enough but i think he is an INFJ and sorry for my bad english :(


Shinya Hīragi (柊 深夜, Hīragi Shin'ya) is a supporting character of Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign as a member of Guren's squad. He is one of the main characters in the Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen light novel series. #TatsuhisaSuzuki

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