Denmark MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Denmark? Denmark is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 728 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

He is a sp 7: The self preservation 7 (according to Beatrice Chestnut) express gluttony through the formation of alliances. Denmark is very keen on manteining his friendship with the nordics, as we see in hetalia collezione where he describes his goals as "wanting to strenghten the unityof the nordic 5" and describes what he wants as "to strenghtenhis friendships" Self-Preservation Sevens always have their nose to the wind for good opportunities. They find ways to get what they need and want, and they have an easy way of finding pathways to making things happen for themselves—whether it’s finding the right people, the most advantageous connections, or a fortuitous career opportunity. They have their ears to the ground and are socially adept. These Sevens make business connections and network easily because they are alert and mindful to the opportunities that come along that can support their survival. They hold the position that if you are not alert to opportunities, you will lose out. The E7 conservation is the person who makes alliances. Family could be an alternative word. But not in the true sense of the term, which is full of positive connotations. The word family describes an aspect of life. But, in the specialized vocabulary about the ego, there is a kind of family game that can be played. In it, the seven conservation build relationships with people based on ideas such as: „I will be family to you and I demand that you be family to me‖, „let's get together, I will serve you and you will serve me,, (According to Claudio Naranjo) He also self proclaims himself as the leader of the nordics, and looks out for all of them


Denmark (デンマーク, Denmāku) is a minor character in the series Hetalia: Axis Powers. Denmark is said to be full of youthful vigour and humor, though he is also very stubborn and doesn't listen very well to others. As a result, he is known to be very controlling, bossy, and demanding, to the point where it is hard to get along with him.

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