Gyutaro MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Gyutaro? Gyutaro is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sx/sp - 468 in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

Im not sure why people think because Gyuutaro can analyze attacks that hes ISTP, but its not. Gyuutaro is a person who puts his heart on his sleeve, he clearly shows what upsets him, what makes him angry, and he puts his morals and feelings out there to be known. An ISTP would take a more analytical approach to life, using a personal sense of logic to watch and observe their surroundings on a daily basis with auxiliary Se. ISTPs also have an inferior feeling function, Fe. They are usually unaware of the emotional atmosphere, and have a hard time objectively observing the emotions of others. As I said with Gyuutaro, he's an extremely emotional person. He killed a samurai and brothel woman out of anger, turned into a demon out of spite and desperation, and even his dying thoughts were "No matter how many times I'm reborn, i will always become a demon", and started clawing his skin out of envy because of Uzui. Gyuutaro always puts his personal beliefs first and foremost, and has a hard time looking at things in an objectively logical light (Te). He cannot separate his feelings from his logic, or has a rather hard time doing so. And no, being strategic in battle isn't "Ti". Literally every character does this, it isn't exclusive to the function, I'm not sure when people will grasp that. And for the love of god, ISTP 4 isnt a possible combination. If you are voting ISTP 4 please explain how an emotionally charged enneagram that not only has a sense of wanting to be unique, but thinks with their heart and feelings foremost goes with an inferior feeling function and a thinking dominant type that prefers to use their own subjective logic over their feelings.


Gyutaro (妓夫太郎) is one of the primary antagonists in the Entertainment District Arc of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a Demon affiliated with the Twelve Kizuki's Upper Ranks, being true holder of the position of Upper Rank Six, which he shares with his younger sister, Daki. #ISFPVillains

Anime & Manga Characters Similar to Gyutaro
