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  3. Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (2011)

Tony the Talking Clock MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Tony the Talking Clock? Tony the Talking Clock is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - sx/so - 163 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

Tony the Clock seems to be a 1 rather than an 8, one marked by its anger and high super-ego in contrast to the uninhibited and rebellious nature of the Eight. One is marked by an over-civilized and controlling demenaor, demanding total perfection both inside and out. The latter is the opposite, being a fork of counter-repression and identifying with intensity and an overarching sense of autonomy. First, we must analyze his anger. More specifically, Anger is what Tart defines as this: "Again the ego will keep the person in resentful anger because he is not perfect, nor are the people around him". The relationship between this and Tony can't be more in line, with a character whose increasingly angry and fed up with the characters. Where he especially loathes people for asking questions and with folly. As Naranjo states about the One: "it seems appropriate to regard dominance as a relatively independent trait, comprising such descriptors as an autocratic style, a self-confident and dignified assertiveness, an aristocratic self-concept and a superior, haughty, disdainful and perhaps condescending and patronizing demeanor". He goes on to the virtue of time and the future, but is constantly approaching this lesson with a sense of patronizing anger and impatience. The best example of this comes with the infamous "MEH MEH MEH" scene, where a trio begin to question Time. More specifically, when Duck proposes a theory about how Time is an illusion, Time interrupts him with just yelling at him. He continues, to the point where Yellow Guy's ears start to physically bleed. This is clearly an example of the One's dominant and restrictive attituse, which lends itself towards an overall sense of perfectionism and a sense of 'should'. Compare his attitude to that of the Eight, whose personality is geared towards justice towards the self and others. Tony shows no concern for this, as he is merely oriented around what is 'right' and dutiful, growing resentful at those who fail to meet his criteria. Furthermore, Naranjo also states about the Eight that they "An expression like 'counter-repression' or 'counter-identification' might serve the purpose-the latter particularly since rebellious traits are understandable as inverse identifications with behaviors and attitudes expected by society and the parents". Notably, this is absent throughout DHMIS 2, we never see Tony show a sense of disinhibitionism and lust, one where he is impulsive and rebellious. Rather, he is an agent for Anger; a style of repression and intellectual haughtiness. To conclude, Tony's position on the Enneagram is less in line for the Eight but rather the One. As is marked by his strictness, perfectionism, lack of lust, and an overall sense of Anger that suits him. His subtype is most likely Sexual, as he lacks that sense of repressing anger found in the Conservation subtype and is far more aware of his anger.


A clock that teaches the trio about the concept and importance of time, and he does this rather forcefully.

Television Characters Similar to Tony the Talking Clock
