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Taiju Oki MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Taiju Oki? Taiju Oki is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - so/sx - in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

ESFP king, every moment he's on screen brings me immense joy :] It's always funny seeing him run headfirst into things and unknowingly throw off everyone's 4D mental chess maneuvers. Se so stronk and Ni so weak you can't predict what he's gonna do until he's already started doing it. Despite his overall weak Ni, it's kinda cool how his few Ni abstract connections do end up becoming some of the longest-running concepts in the series. The petrification with its healing qualities as a "dr. stone", the fist in the air as a symbol of the Kingdom of Science's members' promise to each other, those both started with Taiju! Healthy Fi and Te too, he isn't smart but his use of the Te function is actually pretty good. He's aware of his shortcomings, and because of that he's always open to engaging others' thoughts and isn't afraid to ditch whatever logic he was operating under if he's presented with something better (as long as it fits within his Fi ideals).


Big Oaf
